Sunday, January 30, 2022

Visit 1976 and S.T.A.R.Base OKC

As you may imagine, these are from that storied US Bicentennial year.  Also before yours truly came upon the scene, so I can provide no further context.

No cracks about the spelling, please.  These were high-school kids, and it took a lot of time to stencil those letters, in the days when 'desktop publishing" involved a typewriter and money for the library's copier.


  1. Maybe the bottom flier too,.. but the top flier was mine / I shared with you years ago; the note in handwriting at top is mine. I picked it up at WinterCon 1975 (my first "con", though mostly an OAF flea market with movies & two guests, one being Spanky "Our Gang" McFarland, my mom drove me to and dropped off for a few hours. Also first chance I ever saw the bloopers (that's TOS bloopers).

    I wrote to Jennifer and corresponded before I ever met her, but she was gone within another year or two: yes, high school kids. Including me.

  2. In the late 1980s I reached the Jennifer Reynolds abode by phone to invite and STAR reminiscences. Somebody took my contact info but I was never called back.
