Wednesday, August 14, 2024

SoonerCon 13 Costume Contest Halftime Show

SoonerCon 13 was the last of the original run. It was November 21-23, 1997, at the Clarion Hotel, 4345 N Lincoln Blvd, in OKC.

The halftime show of the costume Contest was a skit called "Showdown at the OCAF Corral," referencing the horrendous impact of some self-appointed censors, "Oklahomans for Children and Families."  You will note we had lots of fun making OTHER acronyms for these initials.


(story by STAR OKC; script by Mark Alfred)

August-November, 1997

 SCENE: Monthly meeting of OCAF. A banner raised above the proceedings reads,


Somewhere, Somebody Is Having Fun . . .

Unless We Stop Them!


Members are involved in various personal discussions, until the meeting is called to order by the CHAIRMAN.


This meeting of OCAF, Oklahomans Campaigning Against Fun, will come to order. We have a lot of undercover work going on . . .


The Chairman is interrupted by cries of outrage over the use of the word “undercover.” The word is whispered in shock loud enough for the audience to get the joke.




Let me rephrase myself, I apologize! The agenda for today’s meeting of OCAF, Old Coots And Farts, contains reports from various agents who have been infiltrating some suspicious goings-on. The science-fiction convention, SoonerCon, is one of those affairs, and . . .


More outraged interruption, this time over the use of the word “affair.” The Chairman placates the members once more.



(resuming once more)

Sorry, sorry! This convention, SoonerCon, is just one of our topics for investigation. We are expecting the arrival of two spies. I sent them to bring us back a report on the degrading behavior of those sci-fi fanatics.


A chorus of uncomfortable murmurs at the very idea of those nasty ol’ sci-fi fanatics.



But until their arrival, I call on Sergeant-At-Arms Glumjob to report on his SubCommittee’s activities.


The Chairman sits, and Sergeant-At-Arms Glumjob rises to the podium. His manner is similar to Patton reviewing his troops. He walks back and forth, snapping a riding crop into his palm or against his leg.



All right, boys and girls, listen up! The job was hard, but I rose to the occasion.


Outrage from listeners over the words “hard” and “rose to the occasion.”



(starting over)

I mean, penetration of the enemy was difficult –


Use of “penetration” elicits oven more shock.



That is, by using stool pigeons, we were able –


“Stool”? Mercy!



Oh, heck! I give up.



Thank you, Sergeant-At-Arms Glumjob. Submit your report in writing to the Screening Board, and they’ll sift through it to see if we can receive it without blushing.


Treasurer’s Report, Treasurer Grubbuck?



(comes to podium)

Everything is going swimmingly. The latest check from Mammoth Studio’s Publicity Department has cleared the bank. The way is now clear to mount a protest of their latest movie, Alcoholic Slut Addicts. Make sure and save your receipts for all materials – poster boards, magic markers, sign paints – so we can be reimbursed by Mammoth Studios. Their Publicity Department suggests the usual protest march on Opening Night. Make sure to march only at the movie theatre closest to the TV studio, so the stations will have time to get footage for their 6 o’clock newscasts.



(waving paper)

What about our last protest? I brought my receipts!


Other members start waving receipts and saying, "Me too," "What about me?", etc.



Very well. Everyone hand in your receipts, and I'll sift through them tonight and mail out checks tomorrow.


Members hand in their receipts as Grubbuck takes them. He casually looks over a couple of them and is surprised. He looks a little closer and reads one receipt – actually two, stapled together – and reads the name of who turned it in.



What's this? A receipt from the Petroleum Club? Sergeant Gumscrape? What's the meaning of this?



(caught with his hand in the cookie jar)

Umm, well, this was a public-relations action to win support from a local media outlet, sir.



(reading the receipt stapled to the first one)

What? Babette's Escort Service?



(caught at last)

Um, never mind, sir, I'll –




Let me see that.

Grubbuck hands the receipts over, as Gumscrape futilely asks for them back. The Chairman examines the receipts closely, escpecially the one from Babette's Escort Service. He mutters aloud, not realizing the rest can hear him.



Hmm, what's that phone number? The numbers are smudged. . .



Umm, sir? I'm done with my report.



(returns to podium as Grubbuck sits down, stuffing the receipts into a pocket)

Captain Sadsight, your report on local comic-book stores.



(comes to podium, wearing a red T-shirt with The Flash’s zigzag lightning bolt)

Well, aside from our one success bankrupting that comic-book store selling Verotika, we haven’t been able to pin down any other specific transgressions of these degraded readers of “graphic literature,” as they call it. Still, the very name “graphic” –


Murmur of disquiet from the others . . .





I know, the very name is disturbing. I mean, sure they say that these characters are “Heroes.” But why do they have to wear these skintight costumes, I mean, really! Why can’t they all wear trenchcoats, like good ol’ Bogart? This Superguy is always bragging about his big “S” – and this Wonder Woman was obviously named after the Wonder Bra! And don’t get me started on things like “Spiderman” and “Spawn,” who were obviously given their names to remind impressionable adolescents of the nasty reproductive thing that also begins with “s-p” and rhymes with “worm.”


The biggest gasp of all, as the OCAF members figure out what Sadsight is getting at – sperm! (*gasp*choke*)



(really on a roll now)

And the worst part of all, were the tables all covered with boxes upon boxes filled with what they call – “back issues”!



(interrupting for clarification)

You don’t mean, as in “Baby got back”? Horrors!




All I know, is that anything that they have to seal in plastic bags and put prices of five dollars or more on, can’t be just “clean wholesome entertainment,” as they claim! These aren’t harmless funnybooks, they constitute a whole subversive underground culture, whose high priests are called “Fanboys.”



And don’t forget a couple of years ago, when their “Superman” died “to save his people,” and his tomb was found – empty – as published in a comic that was sold on Easter Week! You can’t tell me that was just a coincidence!



Thank you, Chairman. My point exactly.



Thank you, Captain Sadsight. The whole membership of OCAF, Omniscient Censors of Artistic Freedom, salutes you!  By the way, haven’t I seen that emblem on your shirt somewhere else before?




(he’s been caught)

What? Umm, this? Oh, it’s – it’s protective coloration, so I won’t be suspected! In my mind, it symbolizes the Crack of Doom on all those nasty readers of comic books!



(buys it)

Oh. Well, then. That’s all right. Well, since our spies are late returning from this “SoonerCon,” I’ll just describe a little of the evil activities that they’ve been sent to investigate.



(reads from a scroll. At each item he reads, the members are audibly shocked.)

ITEM: SoonerCon displays movies that are not G-rated. It even boasts of showing cartoons with such titles as Dirty Pair.

ITEM: SoonerCon features a Dealer’s Room, filled with more of those dirty plastic-wrapped magazines and comic books, along with merchants selling leather garments, whips, and chains! Even worse, some of their merchants sell bumper stickers expressing disrespect for government!

ITEM: SoonerCon encourages its attendees to deviate from normal dress, even awarding prizes for strange outfits. Previous conventions have featured young, nubile, luscious adolescents girls, wearing very little covering for their, umm, –



(sets down the scroll and wipes his brow)

I think you get the idea.

ITEM: Worst of all, the whole point of the entire experience appears to be the absolute glorification of unfettered communication!


Gasps of horror!



– Freedom of expression!


Shrieks of outrage!



(saving the worst for last)

–Independent thought!


Several members faint in mortification. Others try to fan them back to awareness. 

An OCAF member enters from offstage and whispers to Chairman. Or, alternately, an intercom or phone can inform the Chairman.



(placating the masses)

Ladies and gentlemen! Friends! The high point of our meeting has arrived! Our spies have returned from SoonerCon!

Let me warn you, however. They have had to take on some protective coloration, you might call it, to “blend in” with those evildoers. So have no fear, although their appearance might seem dreadful, they are still loyal members of OCAF, the Obedient Confederates Attracted to Fascism.


Attired in appropriate fannish garb, the two OCAF spies enter. Male and female they are (one of each). Maybe one is covered with buttons, maybe one is carrying a backpack with the sticker “My Other Car Is a Tardis,” etc. They look like normal con-goers, which makes them look like Hellspawn to the members of OCAF, who react in horror at the spies’ advent.



Welcome back to the loving arms of your brothers and sisters, Sister Sneak and Brother Byplay. I regret that you cannot change out of those indecent outfits. The only thing worse than your appearance now – would be your appearance with nothing on!


Multiple gasps at the very idea.



I see you have a brochure from the gathering.



(handing SoonerCon Pocket Program to Chairman)

Yes, sir. This little schedule is called a “Pocket Program,” with a schedule for events at the convention.



(reads various items from P.P. and they report on each item)

Umm, this – this “Anime Room,” what is this?



Well, sir, these are cartoon movies . . .



(interrupting eagerly)

You mean, like Tom and Jerry? Bugs Bunny?



Well, not really, sir. These are action adventures, with villains and heroes.



(reading the fine print from the P.P.)

And, what’s this about anime? It might feature strong language or situations? What kind of cartoons are these?



(respectfully but earnestly)

Uhh, sir, Brother Byplay and I sat through a couple of these anime movies. These are – they’re serious cartoons.



But they’re also fun, sir. Still, the folks who make these are just trying to tell a story with human fears and emotions, only using the cartoon format.



Pish-tosh! who would use a common, popular artform to express something artistic or noble?



(can’t resist)

Umm, sir? What about the “Star-Spangled Banner”? Wasn’t that melody used as a drinking song before it was put to Key’s words?



(changes the subject quickly)

And what’s this business with “Hall Costumes”? I can imagine some of the outlandish goings-on!


Chairman chuckles, followed by the members "following the leader.”



Well, sir, at first glance Sister Sneak and I were put off by some of the wild costumes worn by some of the convention attendees. So we talked to someone wearing a ribbon from the convention, a member of the “ConComm,” they call it.



She said we should just look at it like “Halloween for grownups.” She explained that, just as children like to play dress-up, sometimes adults might wish they were more like a fictional hero, and try to identify with that hero’s good qualities.



For example, someone in a Star Trek uniform might wish that different races of Earth could get along so well as the various aliens in the United States, I mean, the United Federation of Worlds.



(correcting him)

Planets. The United Federation of Planets.



Yeah, right.



But – but this is all childish fantasy!



Well, sir, I don’t want to contradict you, but one of the attendees I talked to is a member of the Police Department.


Chairman and several members do double-takes. A respected community member, one of those wackos?




He told me that when he was a child, he watched Cowboys and Indians on TV, and this made him want to become a lawman when he grew up.



A laudable goal. Help the helpless and apprehend the miscreant!



And his daughter, similarly, was inspired to become a doctor through a TV show. Now she’s in her third year of medical school.



How touching! What television program was her inspiration! Marcus Welby? Medical Center?




Umm, it was Doctor McCoy, on Star Trek.



(waving a hand in the air)

Enough of that silly story. Tell us about the dirty magazines in this, this “Dealer’s Room.”



Dirty magazines, sir?



All wrapped up in plastic, like those magazines I buy at the Pak’n’Sak! I mean, that they sell at the Pak ' n ' Sak! Dirty magazines!



(as if to a six-year-old)

Umm, excuse me, sir? They wrap the comics in bags so they won’t get dirty.



I know what he means, Sis.

No, sir, those are merely old “back issues” of comic books and magazines. When they were first published, they were treated as worthless, disposable consumer items. That rarity makes them more valuable to collectors.




Sort of like your collection of old beer-bottle caps, sir?




What? How dare you liken my character-building hobby to the frivolous carryings-on of these miscreants? I work long and hard, emptying those bottles . . .


Chairman’s voice trails off as he realizes how that sounds.



Thank you, Brother Byplay and Sister Sneak, for that chilling account of the depths of depredation at this SoonerCon. I'm sure that none of us wish to allow our children to be influenced by such demonic surroundings.



Actually, sir, it –



– it wasn't that bad, really.



Y'know, it was kind of refreshing to hear someone else's point of view about things.



Maybe these people aren't so bad after all.



(shocked out of his gourd)

You don't mean to imply that these deviant behaviors could be the result of something like – like an  honest difference of opinion or beliefs? Everyone knows that any thought not endorsed by OCAF, Oklahomans Choosing to Act Foolishly, is evil by definition! If they don't submit to our authority, then they are evil! EVIL! E V I L ! ! !


At this foam-at-the-mouth performance, the various members of OCAF look at each other and whisper concerning the sanity (?) of the Chairman. One member after another gets up and makes his statement.



– Gosh, it's getting late.

–I think this SoonerCon deserves more in-depth inspection.

–What did you say the costumes were like?

–That movie room sounds interesting.

–You know, I used to read Sugar & Spike comics.



Hey guys, if you want to follow us, we're going back to SoonerCon. I think the Costume Contest is on now.



Sure! Just follow us.



What? Come back! Oh, yes, I see it now! You're all turning against me. I mean, against OCAF. What about our group? What about our goals? What about society's need for supervision? What about the evils of science fiction?



(waving his riding crop in the air)

Sir? Censor yourself!


The rest of the OCAF members follow him offstage, leaving only the Chairman to stand at the podium, head in hands.



(to himself)

Gone, gone, it's all gone. They've followed the siren call of comic books and movies, and – Wait a minute! That's it! It's a brilliant plan! Sure, I'll let 'em read anything they want, but only after it's been rated! And who'll rate the nasty stuff? Someone decent, moral, outstanding – like me!

Yes! For a price, I'll read their dirty books! And I'll rate the comic books like the movies! And the TV shows! Yes! I'll demand to preview all the TV shows, and suggest ratings! 

Oh, the glory! THE CONTROL! THE POWER! Today the Media, tomorrow the nation!



Well, whatdya think?

See you next time!

Monday, July 15, 2024

SoonerCon 20 Pocket Program and Flyer

SoonerCon 20 was held June 3-5, 2011, one of four SoonerCons held at the OKC downtown Sheraton.  Hence the mentions 's "Dead Mall" as the location for some activities!

Below is the one-sided bookmark flyer for that year's SoonerCon.
It were a lot o' fun.  Were YOU there?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Good News from Soonercon 32!

It's nice to see GOOD NEWS in the front page of the paper! (Just sad that at the bottom of the first column in the second image, the reporter misspelled "effect" as "affect." You don't affect change, you EFFECT it!) May we Soonerconites ALWAYS be a force for personal fulfilment and social involvement! Remember that all them other people is people like you is!

Hope to see YOU at a forthcoming Soonercon!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

FINAL SALUTES! 2023-2034


            American songwriter Cynthia Weil (died June 1, 2023), with husband Barry Mann, wrote dozens of hits for scores of performers beginning in the 1960s. Notable songs include “Uptown,” “Blame It on the Bossa Nova,” “On Broadway,” “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’,” “We Gotta Get Outta This Place,” “Rock and Roll Lullaby,” and Hanson’s “I Will Come to You.”

Comic-book writer and artist Ian McGinty (June 8, 2023) worked on Invader Zim and Adventure Time, among others.

            Actor Treat Williams (June 12, 2023) began his career with roles in Hair and 1941, and appeared in dozens of film and TV roles, including recurring roles on White Collar, Blue Bloods, and Chicago Fire, as well as starring in the WB’s Everwood 2002-2006.

Author Cormac McCarthy (June 13, 2023) wrote unflinching drama and violence into his Western and other novels (two are Blood Meridian and The Road), depicting gritty, realistic conflict and characters.

            John Romita Sr (June 12, 2023) began as a ghost artist for the pre-Marvel Timely Comics group, moved to DC 1958-65, and drew Daredevil before moving in as main artist for The Amazing Spider-Man. At Marvel he co-created Luke Cage, Mary Jane Watson, the Kingpin, and Wolverine.

            British actress-activist Glenda Jackson (June 15, 2023) won two Oscars, three Emmys, and a Tony. She starred as several English Queens as well as in lighter fare like A Touch of Class and House Calls.

            “Mr Ragtime,” Max Morath (June 19, 2023) was also a playwright, composer, and actor. He heralded the Ragtime Revival of the 1970s by emphasizing both its carefree sound and its deeper, serious history as a genre of truly American music.

            Actor Alan Arkin (June 29, 2023) began his career in the Second City troupe before debuting on Broadway in 1963, immediately garnering a Tony Award. He appeared on TV and in Such films as Catch-22, The Seven-per-Cent Solution, The Last Unicorn, and Edward Scissorhands.

            Writer-director-producer Manny Coto (July 9, 2023) wrote for Tales from the Crypt, The Outer Limits, and ST:Enterprise, and Dexter.

            Hacker-turned-security consultant Kevin Mitnick (July 16, 2023) began his life of crime at age 16, accessing supposedly secure networks, using cloning cellphone data and other tricks to evade the FBI for several years. Upon his 2000 release he became a white hat.

            Singer Tony Bennett (July 21, 2023) crooned for decades, winning 20 Grammys and two Emmys, besides the swoons of millions of teenagers in the 1950s. Among his hits were “Stranger in Paradise,” “I Left My Heart in San Francisco,” and “Fly Me to the Moon.”

            Cofounding Eagles member, bassist, and vocalist Randy Meisner (July 26, 2023) also played in Poco and for Rick Nelson. Among several Eagles songs, he wrote and sang lead on “Try and Love Again.”

            Irish activist-singer-songwriter Sinéad O’Connor (July 26, 2023) won awards from the Grammys and MTV, and used her acclaim to direct attention to causes like women’s rights, child abuse, and others. On SNL she shocked folks by tearing up a picture of the Pope in protest  against abuse by the clergy. In 2018 she converted to Islam.

            Paul Reubens (July 30, 2023) failed at his SNL audition but succeeded as Pee Wee Herman, first in a 1981 stage show, then in two films and his 1986-90 TV show Pee Wee’s Playhouse. He guested on other shows and appeared in films like The Blues Brothers, Batman Returns, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

            Actor Mark Margolis (August 3, 2023) appeared all over in shows including Law & Order, Oz, Quantum Leap, and STTNG, but is most noted as Hector Salamanca in Breaking Bad.

            Dutch software engineer Bram Moolenaar (August 3, 2023) developed A-A-P and the text-editing program Vim.

            William Friedkin (August 7, 2023), director-producer-writer on films like Sorcerer, To Live and Die in LA, and The French Connection, tormented the psyches of millions with his 1973 The Exorcist.

            Songwriter-guitarist Robbie Robertson (August 9, 2023) played for Bob Dylan and helped lead the Band for decades. He’s credited, with the Band, with creating the Americana Music style.

            Standup comic Johnny Hardwick (August 8, 2023) later was not only the voice of Dale Gribble on King of the Hill, but also was a writer and producer for the show.

            Jerry Moss (August 16, 2023) was a cofounder (with Herb Alpert) of A&M Records.

            Balltze (August 18, 2023), one of the Ironic Doges, was best known for wanting to has a “Cheemsburger.”

            Inventor of the PDF John Warnock (August 19, 2023) cofounded Adobe Systems in 1982 with Charles Gesche, producing PostScript and Illustrator, among others.

            Animal-rights activist Bob Barker August 26, 2023) gained fame hosting game shows like Truth or Consequences (1965-75) and The Price Is Right (1972-2007). He won 19 Emmys.

            Actress Gayle Hunnicutt (August 31, 2023) was notable in several genre roles, from The Beverly Hillbillies and 1980’s The Martian Chronicles to 1983’s Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.  In the first episode of Jeremy Brett’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, she played Irene Adler.

            Singer Gary Wright (September 4, 2023) appeared in Annie on Broadway as a child, then played in Spooky Tooth and on George Harrison’s All Things Must Pass.  His greatest pop impact came from his 1976 hits “Love Is Alive” and “Dream Weaver.”

            Stop-motion animator Pete Kozachik (September 12, 2023) brought magical life to non-life for film, including Howard the Duck, Star Trek IV, The Corpse Bride, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

            David McCallum (September 25, 2023), the other Man from U.N.C.L.E., broke teen hearts as Illya Kuryakin, and established the outsider-as-cool pattern which Spock’s character exploited.  Other roles included Julius Caesar and Judas Iscariot.  From 2003-2023 he won hearts anew as Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard on NCIS.

            Actor Sir Michael John Gambon (September 27, 2023) started his career at the Royal National Theatre with Laurence Olivier in 1963 and appeared in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Sleepy Hollow, but is endeared to sf lovers everywhere for his stepping into the role of Albus Dumbledore for Harry Potter films, 2004-11.

            Actor Burt Young (October 8, 2023) reached wide audiences as Paulie, Rocky Balboa’s brother-in-law. He also appeared in Once Upon a Time in America, Chinatown, and The Adventures of Pluto Nash.

            Comics writer-artist Keith Giffen (October 9, 2023) created Ambush Bug, co-created Lobo, and left his mark on Legion of Super-Heroes, Justice League International, and many more. He also worked for Marvel and others, and for a time storyboarded for Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy and The Real Ghostbusters.

            Phyllis Coates (October 11, 2023) was the original TV Lois Lane and appeared in lots of other roles, often in Westerns and other adventure formats. Genre movies included The Incredible Petrified World and I Was a Teenage Frankenstein.

            Actress, infomercial maestro,  and writer Suzanne Somers (October 15, 2023) is well known for roles on Step by Step and Three’s Company. She tantalized a generation of 1970s teenagers as the mysterious “blonde in the T-Bird” of American Graffiti.

            Singer-songwriter and born Tulsan Dwight Twilley (October 18, 2023) recorded twenty-plus albums; his biggest his was 1975’s “I’m on Fire,” which reached #16.

            Rebecca Jackson (October 21, 2023) was a civilian engineer at Tinker AFB, beginning in the mid-1980s. She loved and rescued cats, serving on the board of Pets and People in Yukon. She was also a big-hearted fan of sf, particularly BritTV, and served many video and other roles for Soonercon and ThunderCon. She was a longtime member of Serendipity. 

            Arts advocate Betty Price (October23, 2023) was executive director of the Oklahoma Arts Council 1983-2007. She taught school and gave piano lessons before becoming secretary to an OK senator and providing advice on art-related matters. She also served with OKC’s First Americans Museum.

            Actor Richard Roundtree (October 24, 2023) was an American actor, noted as being “the first black action hero.” He had roles in Roots and Desperate Housewives, but will always demand respect and awe as private dick John Shaft in five films.

            Robert W. Irwin (October 25, 2023) was an American installation artist who explored perception and the conditional in art.

            Actor Richard Moll (October 26, 2023) was famous as Bull Shannon on Night Court 1984-92, as well as voicing Harvey Dent/Two-Face for Batman: The Animated Series and Batman: The New Adventures.

            Actor Matthew Perry (October 28, 2023) made many appearances in TV and film, but was well known as Chandler Bing on Friends, 1994-2004.

            Artist and educator Trey Aven (November 5, 2023) helped the Peace Corp in Ukraine and served in Europe and the Middle East in advisory and dean at several institutions. In the Seventies and Eighties he worked in the Paseo and helped found the district. His biggest pop-culture splash was as the designer for the logo of KATT-FM, “Rock One Hundred, the Katt.”

            Hasher, IT genius, ex-California girl, and Soonercon friend Cyndi Hagood (November 20, 2023) supported her family and communities with every breath, and we’ll miss her.

            Gamer and friend Tim Kellogg (November 22, 2023) loved books, sci-fi, and tabletop gaming action. IRL he worked dispatch for EMSA, impacting lives another way.

            The singing career of Jean Knight (November 22, 2023) spanned the Sixties to the Nineties, and she will always be associated with her biggest hit, the 1971 Number Two “Mr. Big Stuff.”

            Marty Krofft (November 25, 2023) began showbiz as a puppeteer with brother Sid. He produced variety shows featuring the Osmonds and Barbara Mandrell. The Kroffts made a niche in kids programming with TV shows Land of the Lost, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, The Banana Splits Adventure Hour, and the ever-trippy H.R. Pufnstuf.

            Actress Frances Sternhagen (November 27, 2023)stepped out on Broadway and in film, but she’s most known for roles in Sex and the City, E.R., and as Esther Clavin in Cheers.

TV writer-producer Norman Lear (December 5, 2023) won six Emmys among other awards. Among his historic shows were Sanford and Son, Maude, The Jeffersons, One Day at a Time, and All in the Family. A big part of their TV success was their being videotaped live with an audience that was sometimes as shocked as the home viewer.

Actor Andre Braugher (December 11, 2023) was an Emmy winner best known for two cop roles: Ray Holt on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Frank Pembleton on Homicide: Life on the Street.

English actor Richard Franklin (December 24, 2023) was primarily a stage presence, but he ticks the box for Whovians as Captain Mike Yates of Unit, the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce.

Yo-Yo Man, political activist, and guitarist Tom Smothers (December 26, 2023) plated a goofy schtick with his brother Dick. Their variety TV show was canceled by a nervous CBS for monologues and skits referencing hot-button issues of the day. That’s Tom playing with John Lennon in the 1969 “Give Peace a Chance.”

Actor, singer, and choreographer Maurice Hines (December 29, 2023) danced with brother Gregory before going solo. He appeared on Broadway and directed music videos. He had a lead role in the 1984 film The Cotton Club.

Shecky Greene (December 31, 2023) toured the showbiz standup circuit, opening the MGM Grand in 1975 with Dean Martin, and appearing on TV in shows like The Love Boat, Combat, and The Fall Guy.

Tulsa TV second fiddle Jim Millaway (December 23, 2023) was a coconspirator on the 1970s cult show Doctor Mazeppa Pompazoidi’s Uncanny Film Festival and Camp Meeting. Besides costarring character Sherman Oakes, Millaway also ran for governor wearing a ski mask, as Mister Mystery. Campaign slogan? “White space increases readership!”

Actress Cindy Morgan (December 30, 2023) appeared in many TV shows and films beginning in the Eighties, when she appeared in 15 episodes of Falcon Crest and American Gigolo, Caddyshack, and Tron.

Swiss computer whiz Niklaus Wirth (January 1, 2024) among other things, was chief designer for several computer languages, including ALGOL W and PASCAL.

Actor-singer David Soul (January 4, 2024)  appeared in such TV shows as Here Come the Brides and Starsky and Hutch. He had a Number One hit with 1976’s “Don’t Give Up on Us,” and starred in the creepy 1979 TV miniseries Salem’s Lot, along with being one of the natives of Gamma Trianguli VI in TOS “The Apple.”

Writer-producer Tracy Tormé (January 4, 2024) worked on lots of projects including the UFO-abduction film Fire in the Sky, the first two seasons of STTNG, and co-creating the series Sliders.

Jennell Jaquays (January 10, 2024) began playing Dungeons and Dragons in 1975 and went on to design games and provide art. She worked on several DnD modules, created the early fanzine The Dungeoneer, and worked on several conversions from arcade to console, including Donkey Kong and Pac-Man.

Actress Joyce Randolph (January 13, 2024) is most famous as Trixie Morton in Jackie Gleason’s Honeymooners sketches, both on his show and the standalone series.

            Sf writer Howard Waldrop (January 14, 2024) gave back by teaching and working in writers workshops. His most famous story, “The Ugly Chickens” (1980), won World Fantasy and Nebula Awards. His “Thirty Minutes Over Broadway!” kicked off the first Wild Cards book.

Composer, musical parodist, and auditory genius Peter Schickele (January 16, 2024) arranged two Christmas albums for Joan Baez, composed the score for the 1972 Silent Running, and invented several musical instruments, viz: left-handed sewer flute, the tromboon, dill piccolo, and the lasso d’amore. He discovered and perpetrated the music of PDQ Bach, the last and least of Johann’s twenty-odd children (and also the oddest). For years his eclectic music show Schickele Mix aired on Edmond’s KUCO.

            NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter flew its final flight above the dusty surface of Mars January 18, 2024. It was expected to last for about five missions, about a month,  after its April 2021 deployment. But it soldiered through an amazing 72 missions over nearly three years. BTW, it bears a swatch of material from the wing of the original Wright Flyer.

Actor Gary Graham (January 22, 2024) appeared in lots of films, but his biggest genre impact was seen in his several roles in Trek series (like Soval on ST: Enterprise) and his portrayal of Dan Sikes in the Alien Nation series and follow-up TV movies.

            KC-area fan William “Bear” Reed (January 22, 2024) was found at many cons. His day jobs included security and software, but he shared much of his life with other fans in areas like costuming and gaming and fund-raising.

            Songwriter-singer Melanie Safka (January 23, 2024) had several hits in the Seventies, including “Brand New Key” and “What Have They Done to My Song Ma.” Her most impactful song was her 1970 “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain),” inspired by her experience performing at Woodstock.

            Born in Lawton, author N. Scott Momaday ( January 24, 2024) was a poet, novelist, and story writer, winning the Pulitzer for House Made of Dawn. In 2007 he was named the Oklahoma Centennial Poet Laureate.

            Singer-dancer-actress Chita Rivera  (January 30, 2024) appeared on Broadway in such shows as West Side Story, Kiss of the Spider Woman, Chicago, and Bye Bye Birdie. Among other honors she won two Tonys.

            Director-actor and pro-football player Carl Weathers (February 1, 2024) won the role of Apollo Creed by criticizing Sylvester Stallone’s acting. He appeared in lots of dramatic and comedy roles. He starred in the syndicated series Street Justice and provided a voice for the game Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction.

            Modern country-music legend Toby Keith (February 5, 2024) was born in Clinton, OK and memorialized by a street in Moore. His first single “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” hit Number One and started an avalanche. His post-9/11 song “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)” stirred controversy. His foundation aims to help kids and their families as they confront cancer treatment.

            Little-known but of great impact was the life of Patrick Hanks (February 1, 2024). He edited the Collins English Dictionary and the 2017 Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland, which informs us that many names began as insults: “Shakespeare is probably an obscene name, originally for a masturbator.” Hanks also worked at the Linguistics Research Department of AT&T’s Bell Labs.

            Programmer John Walker (February 2, 2024) co-founded the company AutoDesk, helped create AutoCAD, and wrote ANIMAL, which self-replicated on UNIVACs and is considered one of the world’s first computer viruses.

            Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa (February 6, 2024) directed several important orchestras, made many significant recordings, and premiered works by Ligeti and Messiaen.

            Sf writer Steve Miller (February 20, 2024) co-created the Liaden Universe with his wife Sharon Lee. He published dozens of short stories and novels.

            Comics artist Ramona Fradon (February 24, 2024) began work in the Silver Age and continued.  She drew the newspaper strip Brenda Starr, Girl Reporter for 15 years. She also co-created Aqualad and Metamorpho for DC.

            Actor Kenneth Mitchell (February 24, 2024) appeared in such genre titles as Jericho and ST: Discovery on TV, and as Joseph Danvers in Captain Marvel.

            Stand-up comedian and writer Richard Lewis (February 27, 2024) was known for dark, neurotic stylings. He semi-played himself on Curb Your Enthusiasm, starred in the sitcom Anything but Love, and played Prince John in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

            Manga artist and character designer Akira Toriyama (March 1, 2024) is best known as the creator of Dragon Ball.

            Singer-schmoozer Steve Lawrence (March 7, 2024) often performed with wife Eydie Gormé. He guest-starred in dozens of TV shows, starred on Broadway, and played Agent Maury Sline in The Blues Brothers and Blues Brothers 2000.

            Okie flyboy Thomas Stafford (March 18, 2024) commanded Apollo 10 in 1969 and the first US-Soviet space mission in 1975. He flew over 100 types of fixed-wing aircraft. Weatherford’s Stafford Air & Space Museum was founded in his honor in 1983. He helped develop the B-2 stealth bomber.

            Actor M. Emmet Walsh (March 19, 2024) appeared in TV and film 200+ times. Some of his genre roles were in Blade Runner, Critters, The Iron Giant, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, and Harry and the Hendersons. He was Barry Allen’s cop father in the 1990 The Flash series.

            Hugo Award-winner and educator Vernor Vinge (March 20, 2024) was one of the first writers to propose cyberspace and popularize the idea of a technological singularity.

            French author-illustrator Laurent de Brunhoff (March 22, 2024) continued the Babar series begun by his father, publishing nearly 50 books in the series.

            Actor Louis Gossett Jr. (March 29, 2024) appeared on Broadway and in films, won an Emmy for his appearance in Roots and an Academy for An Officer and a Gentleman. Some genre work was in Jaws 3D, Bram Stoker’s Legend of the Mummy, in 22 episodes of The Powers of Matthew Star—and as the Drac “Jerry” in Enemy Mine.

            Actress Barbara Baldavin (March 31, 2024) later became a casting assistant and director for dynasty, Matt Houston, and Trapper John, MD. She’s most familiar to genre fans for three appearances on TOS.

            Writer and comedian Joe Flaherty (April 1, 2024) was a man of many small roles in films like Innerspace, 1941, and Happy Gilmore, but his biggest squeeze on pop-culture hearts was his 1976-84 run on SCTV, where among other characterizations, he created the gloriously pathetic Count Floyd.

            Theoretical physicist Peter Higgs (April 8, 2024) won a Nobel Prize for positing lots of things like a field, mechanism, and boson, which were named in his honor. As an atheist he was amused by the popular conception of the Higgs boson as “the God particle.” In 2012, work at the Large Hadron Collider seemed to confirm its existence.

            Broadcaster Carole Arnold (April 12, 2024) was an OKC radio fixture on KTOK and KOMA. She was hosting a talk show on the morning of the 1995 bombing and fielded questions and comments heroically on that dreadful day.

            Musician Dickey Betts (April 18, 2024) co-founded and appeared in several iterations of the Allman Brothers Band, during which he composed the classic “Ramblin’ Man,” and pioneered with Duane the twin-guitar harmony which characterized the band.

            Oklahoman Charlie Dry (April 27, 2024) was a test astronaut for NASA, which means that he wore the gear and walked the walk before the flyboys.

            Master stunter Jeannie Epper (May 5, 2024) was called “the greatest stuntwoman who’s ever lived” by Entertainment Weekly. Some of her film projects included Romancing the Stone and Minority Report. On TV she doubled for Lindsay Wagner on The Bionic Woman, for Kate Jackson on Charlie’s Angels, and for Lynda Carter on Wonder Woman.

            British actor Bernard Hill (May 5, 2024) had decades of TV and film roles, most notably as Captain Smith in Titanic and as Théoden in the Lord of the Rings films.

            Director-producer Roger Corman (May 9, 2024) earned his crown as “the King of Cult” by smashing into the B-movie and drive-in circuit with dozens of titles of dubious merit but smashing impact, including X: The Man with X-Ray Eyes, It Conquered the World, The Trip, Little Shop of Horrors, and eight Poe-inspired horrors. He mentored many directors who rose to greater fame like Coppola, Howard, Bogdanovich, Dante, and Cameron, and co-founded New World Pictures.

            JediOKC founder Rick Young (May 11, 2024) was a stalwart of Oklahoma fandom, raising funds and sharing his enthusiasm. He was a longtime Soonercon pillar, supporting our community through his directness and all-inclusive joie de vivre.

            Actor Dabney Coleman (May 16, 2024) made a career of playing slick and creepy characters audiences loved to boo. Some big appearances were in The Towering Inferno, 9 to 5, The Muppets Take Manhattan, Buffalo Bill and Boardwalk Empire, and dozens more.

            Beginning his career as an electrician, Gordon Bell (May 17, 2024) began teaching computer-design classes in 1957 (yes, 1957), and later wrote the first speech-analysis software at MIT, and helped develop the first UARTs, the later-named modem. He helped reduce computer size to the personal level. The New York Times wrote, “A virtuoso at computer architecture, he built the first time-sharing computer.”

            Organist-vocalist Doug Ingle (May 24, 2024) was primary composer for his 1960s-70s band Iron Butterfly, including the legendary seventeen-minute “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida.”

            With his brother Robert, Disney songwriter Richard Sherman (May 25, 2024) was responsible for more motion picture musical song scores than any other songwriting team in film history. Some of those films include Mary Poppins, The Jungle Book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Snoopy Come Home, Bedknobs and Broomsticks and Charlotte’s Web.

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These people and things impacted the pop-culture REALM, and thus the whole world.  Thanks for reflecting on some of the folks who went before.