Monday, December 20, 2021

Greetings from ThunderCon 3!

Here are some of the papers generated by the third edition of ThunderCon, aka "Larry's Media Con."

ThunderCon 3 was June 4-5-6, 1993.
This Special Registration Card is provided FOR REFERENCE ONLY.  Please do not fill it out and mail it in.

See you next time, fellow fen!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

SoonerCon 1's ConComm and 1st Press Release


These are (some of) the folk you can blame for SoonerCon 1, which took place in 1986. I've redacted the phone numbers. Handwritten notes (not by me) are on the reverse.

Here's the press release.  For those of us in the know, it's a simple task to adjudge the words as crafted by later ThunderChief and future TREK Hound Larry Nemecek.

See ya next time for another dip into the churning waters of OK fandom history!