Wednesday, July 17, 2013

November 1985 Galactic Gazette

This GG is one of my favorites because of Tamara Hodge's cover art, however multi-copied and scan-deresolved it may be.

Combine Bela's scritchy-scratchy, creepy-crawly hands with memories of watching Count Floyd (of SCTV fame) and you have yours truly bending over his children and grandchildren, fingers tickling the air, announcing how S-C-A-R-R-R-Y something was going to be.

Here we have President T Hodge discussing going to view Halley's Comet in the boonies (which happened later on)

The above page was my proof that I was, by golly, a published author, paid and everything.

In the Treasurer Report, M Hodge announces that  STAR has, $1300, $507 of which came from working recently at the OK State Fairgrounds.  Other plans include a mail-out with Planet Comics -- that is, a SoonerCon flyer stapled into a flyer sent to members of Planet Comic's mailing list.

These last three pages are a short tale by STARs Bob & Janetta Schuch.
See you again soon!