Monday, January 24, 2011

1984 in STAR OKC

In this year, STAR completes the transformation (begun in 1983 with the throw-Mark-Alfred-out controversy) into the inclusive, active Club it has become today (when this was written in the 1990s that is!). The year begins with the Club meeting at its traditional location, the Belle Isle Library. Larry Jones continues as President; Tammy Bothel is Vice-President; Tamara Baker is Secretary. Mike Hodge is Treasurer.

The January Minutes report, “Dues of $3.00 due this meeting.”

The following people attend the Febru¬ary 4, 1984 meeting:

Mike Powell

Mary (his fiancée)

Kathy Lemin

Tammy Bothel

Larry Jones

Mike Hodge

Mary Rottler

Zann Jones

Tamara Baker

John Gilfillan

Karla Jarrett

At the March meeting, it is noted that the Club has $42.00.

Most members of STAR attend the wedding of Mike and Mary Powell on March 24.

Another chapter in the twisting and turning drama of STAR OKC occurs when members try to attend the May meeting. Tamara Baker, Mark Alfred, and Tammy Bothel show up at the Belle Isle Library to find it locked up, closed for repairs. Zann and Larry Jones arrive soon after. Puzzle¬ment is expressed at the President’s not ar¬ranging for an alternate meeting place, since this one is obviously unavailable. Tempers in the Jones family flare, and they rapidly depart, never to return again to STAR OKC — until Larry visits once or twice in the early 1990s. Here’s the complete Min¬utes for this turn-the-corner STAR event: “May 12. Members present: Tammy Bothel, Mark Alfred [and Tamara Baker, who writes these Minutes]. A WASTE OF PAPER. Lib. closed, Zann & Larry Jones’s last ‘meeting’ — in parking lot!”

Only five attend the June meeting. Tammy Bothel fills the vacated President slot, and Tamara Baker becomes Vice-President.

Another step to the present STAR OKC is taken at the July meeting. Tamara Baker’s notes read, “Nosfa style newsletter proposed by M.H.” — meaning Mike Hodge. This is further kicked around at the August meeting, and ...

The September, 1984 meeting sees “the first issue of the new Galactic Gazette. I, being Tamara Baker, Vice-Pres. of STAR, am writing this to inform you of Club happenings. ...”

This cannot be emphasized enough. This September issue of the Galactic Gazette is the first in an UNBROKEN LINE down to our own GG of today. And, it’s thanks to Tamara Baker and Mike Hodge for this, the format continued even today. So, yea, broth¬ers, don’t forget the debt we owe to this first issue of the present GG!

The October meeting is that one of which present STAR members have heard Club Historian Mark Alfred reminisce about, the time “when STAR OKC had only four members.” And they all were there: Mike Hodge, Tamara Baker, Mark Alfred, and Denise Reedy. A four-member Club isn’t much good, so the decision is made to blow the Club’s treasury of $40 or so on Club flyers, and “blanket the city.” The flyer’s text: “STAR OKC — STAR TREK / Science Fiction Fan Club. In our 12th year! OKC’s oldest club for sci-ence-fiction fans.” Then meeting information. Then, “Dues are $3 a year” — probably a pretty good attention-getter.

The October GG contains a letter from the New Prez, Tamara Baker: “Yes, another new president. As you all know Larry Jones our former President re¬signed quite some time ago and left his then vice-president, Tammy Bothel, in charge. ... Yep, you guessed it. Tammy Bothel has become an ex-President.” Mark Alfred becomes Vice-President.

Another feature of the October GG is a 1¼ page proposed Constitution for STAR OKC. Once again, here we see the foundation of the present Club. STAR is “a science-fiction, fantasy, and science-fact fandom organization ... open to all people who feel it within themselves to attend at least 6 meetings a year and to pay the sum of three dollars a year as membership dues.” Note the language about being open to all, and the broad range of interests. This happened because the rank-and-file decided to make the Club this way, and not have it be a personal or political “clique” group. An addition to the section on impeachment of officers makes this clear: “General members cannot be impeached and their membership cannot be revoked. They can, however, be advised as to wrongdoings where the Club is concerned in the hope they will rem¬edy the situation by themselves.”

A further decision is taken at the October meeting to continue the present slate of officers through the next year. Pretty silly to elect three officers from among four or five members!

The November meeting sees a slight response to October’s flyer distribution, in the form of two visi¬tors: a fellow named Marq Pratt, and a gal named Casey Hamilton, who is later to fill many offices in STAR and SoonerCon. The November GG reports that the Club’s funds are down to $7.00, what with paying for the post-office box and the 1,000 flyers at Kinko’s.

A time capsule: The December GG has a cartoon cover by Mark Alfred depicting Santa in a space sled drawn by eight reindeer, each in its own space pod. Prez Tamara’s “Voice from Above” reports on the Halloween Party, the unanimous ratification of the new Constitution, and the possibility of STAR having a booth at the Spring 1985 Mediæval Fair in Norman. V-P Mark’s page is a column on “STAR TREK and STAR WARS’ Appeal.” Treasurer Mike’s “Voice from Beneath the Below” reports he has ordered 100 STAR OKC pens and that “we still have seven (7) dollars in our swelling account.” If anyone has some¬thing for the GG, they should get it copied 20 times and bring it to the meeting. Then ensues a page of Mike’s “Continuing Story of Martin” and a list of SF items wanted to buy by a guy in Florida.

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